Since 1919


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Garage space for motorcycle available!
EFO e-scooter campaign
Your specialist shop for bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles 125ccm, electric vehicles in Vienna
Current events, news, promotions
LINEXO BY WERTGARANTIE has been our reliable partner for many years and we recommend its services to our customers. The many positive experiences of our customers, as well as our own experiences, form the basis for a high level of trust in WERTGARANTIE.
In addition to comprehensive protection for your bicycle or e-bike according to your needs, LINEXO also offers uncomplicated processing at a good price-performance ratio.
With WERTGARANTIE insurance you are on the safe side.
Find out about bicycle insurance now, protect your e-bike or just the battery!
Bester Schutz für Ihr E-Bike oder Fahrrad mit unseren 3 Tarifen. Diebstahlschutz Plus sichert gegen Diebstahl sowie Raub und Vandalismus. Komfortschutz deckt darüber hinaus noch Produktionsfehler sowie Schäden durch Feuchtigkeit und Naturgewalten ab. Der Premiumschutz lässt keine Wünsche offen und ersetzt sogar müde Akkus und abgenutzte Reifen und Bremsen.
ClikVALVE NEW from January 25
Easy to inflate
thanks to the new valve system
It's finally here: the long overdue development that makes pumping easier for everyone! The SCHWALBE CLIK VALVE (SCV) is THE revolution for bicycle valves and solves problems that have existed for over a century.

Create repair bonus >>

Repair bonus also for bicycles
Lease a Bike - Calculator >
We offer the company bike leasing provider Lease a Bike in our store!
The most popular employee benefit offers both employers and employees
many advantages. I thought it might be interesting for your company too.
Here you can find the advantages summarized:
• Company bike leasing is cost-neutral for the employer!
• Processing - simple and automated (100% digital)
• Sustainable mobility solution - contribution to green mobility
• Installment default protection - takes effect immediately
• Return guarantee
• Free choice of bicycle - employees can save up to 36% of the purchase price
• Support and advice - tailored to the personal situation by the
Lease a Bike sales team
• Active in 4 countries - experience and competence is guaranteed
• Register here!
If you have any questions, please contact me or Lease a Bike directly at info@lease-a-bike.at
or call +43 1 4350 310!

Jedes Jahr zum Valentinstag
sagt man den Liebsten, dass man sie mag.
Magst Du auch Dein Rad mit voller Passion,
dann nutze diese Valentins-Aktion.
Im Aktionszeitraum vom 13.02. bis zum 17.02.2025 sparst Du € 170,- für den Akku-Aufpreis (S zu M bzw. M zu L). Dies gilt sowohl für den add-e NEXT Akku als auch beim Kauf des add-e NEXT Komplettsets. Bei diesem entfällt zusätzlich der Aufpreis auf die Sport Edition in Höhe von € 100,-. Inkl. kostenlosen Versand innerhalb der EU sparst Du im Set bis zu € 300,-.
Aufpreispflichtige Optionen wie L-Akku, Lenkerschalter, Kfz oder Schnellladegerät können wie gewohnt ausgewählt werden.
New EFO electric scooters:

As a popular employee benefit, company bike leasing is ideal for employers who want to motivate their employees with an innovative incentive and retain them in the long term. Bike leasing is also a strong argument when looking for new employees. And not just because employees save up to 44% of the purchase costs: Promoting healthy and sustainable mobility contributes to positive employer branding in many ways. As bike leasing customers, employers can also be sure that the benefits for employees and companies are offset by little or no costs and little effort, and that the cost risk due to employees being absent is completely covered. Another advantage is that the employer can also save on employer contributions (DB), employer surcharges (DZ) and local taxes by reducing the taxable salary.
New road traffic regulations from October 1st:
Link to info >>>> This is new